Este texto n�o substitui o publicado no Diário Oficial da União
THE OF STATE MINISTER FOR HEALTH, using his powers provided for in sections I and II, sole paragraph of art. 87 of the Constitution, and
Considering the importance to fullfill the reduction of child mortality policies along the States which compose the legal Amazon and the Northeast Region;
Considering the goal of child mortality reduction by 5% per year, on the years of 2009 and 2010, focusing on the newborn component ( 0 to 27 life days);
Considering the need of expansion and qualification and attention to prenatal exams, delivery, the newborn and the puerperal; and
Considering the need to qualify the human resources and to improve the Information System of Mortality and Alive Borned, among other actions, decides:
Article 1 - Constitute the Minesterial Group with the purpose to elaborate an action plan in partnership with the SUS managers, looking forward to the reduction of the child mortality on the states which composes the legal Amazon and the Northeast Region, as well of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the proposed action.
Article 2 - to name the representatives to compose the Ministerial Group related bellow:
I- Executive Office
a)Main: Marcia Bassit Lameiro da Costa Mazzoli;
b)Substitute: Lucia de Fatima Nascimento de Queiroz;
II- Suveilance on Health Office
a) Main: Gerson Oliveira Penna
b)Substitute: Otaliba Libanio de Morais Neto;
III- Health's Attention Office:
a) Main: Alberto Beltrame;
b)Substitute: Karla Larica Wanderley;
IV-Management of Health's Work and Education Office:
a)Main: Francisco Eduardo de Campos;
b)Substitute: Maria Helena Machado de Souza
V- Paticipatory and Strategic Management Office:
a)Main: Antonio Alves de Souza;
b) Substitute: Maria Natividade Gomes da Siva Teixeira Santana
VI - Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs Office
a) Main: Reinaldo Felippe Nery Guimaraes;
b)Substitute: Zich Moyses Junior; and
VII- Special Consutancy to the Minister's Office.
a) Main: Adson Roberto França dos Santos
Article 3- The technical coordenation of the group will be over the main representative from the Special Consultancy to the Minister's Office.
Article 4 - The group will be allowed, if necessary, to invite technicians from the Offices and departments of the Health Ministry, as well of entities that act on public health with the goal to advice on the specific activities and participate on the meetings.
Sole Paragraph. The participation on the Group is considered an activitie of relevant interest to the public and will not be paid.
Article 5 - This Ordinance is in force since the date of its publication.