Minist�rio da Sa�de
Gabinete do Ministro


Amends the Ordinance Nº 154/GM of March 4, 2008, which creates the Family Health Support Centers- FHSC.

The INTERIM MINISTER OF HEALTH, in exercise of its powers, and

Considering the Ordinance nº 154/GM of March 4, 2008, establishes the Family Health Support Centers; and

Considering the need for adequacy for the suspension criteria about the incentives transfers related to the FHSC, decides:

Article 1º Amend the Ordinance Nº 154/GM of March 4, 2008, published in the Union Official Diary No º 43, March 4, 2008, Section I, page 38, which shall henceforth as follows:

Article 4º ....................................................................................


§ 5º Based in the need of prioritized actions to reduce child mortality in the Northeast and the Legal Amazon counties, it is recommended that each Family Health Support Center count on at least 1 (one) a pediatrician, in those Regions. " (NR)


"Article 12. ....................................................................................


§ 2º The Health Ministry will suspend the transfers of incentives for the FHSC, counties and / or the Federal District, in case where they found, by means of information systems, monitoring and / or direct supervision of the Ministry of Health or State Health Department or by the audit DENASUS, any of the following situations:


IV - non-existance at least of four (4) Family Health Teams linked to type I FHSC in the North or 6 (six) Family Health Teams linked to type I FHSC in the rest of the country or even 2 (two) Family Health FHSC teams linked to type II, considered for this purpose to the Family Health Teams and the complete and incomplete Family Health Teams for a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days. "(NR)

Article 2º This Ordinance shall enter into force upon its publication.


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