Minist�rio da Sa�de
Gabinete do Ministro


Establishes the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) in Brazil and establishes a partnership between the Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics in celebration of WBW.

THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HEALTH, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by sections I and II, sole paragraph of article 87 of the Constitution, and

Considering the priorities, goals and objectives of the Pact for Life in 2008, established by Ordinance No. º 325/GM of 21th February of 2008, that establishes the reduction of maternal and infant mortality, among other issues;

Considering the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality National Pact, released on March 8th, 2004, which aims to monitor the actions of children and women helth protection;

Considering the international commitment assumed by Brazil to accomplish with the Millennium Development Goals, especially the fouth Goal, whose goal is to reduce by two thirds the mortality of children under five years, from 1990 to 2015;

Considering the Second Research of the Prevalence of Breastfeeding in the Brazilian Capitals and Federal District/2009, which shows that the breastfeeding rates in Brazil are lower than recommended;

Considering the important strategy for breastfeeding relationship between mother and child and the protection and promotion of child mother health, whose success is directly implicated in the reduction of maternal and infant mortality;

Considering the mobilization need of all segments of society for the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding;

Considering the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) , conceived by WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) has been celebrated since 1992 in more than 150 countries with the purpose of promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding;

Considerando the celebration of WBW appear as a major social marketing capable to increase breastfeeding rates in the country, reducing malnutrition, morbidity, mainly respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, and infant mortality;

Considering that the mobilization for the celebrations of the WBW has been growing every year, with the support of the State and the Municipal Health Secretariats of Non-Governmental Organizations, International Organizations, the scientific societies, the Baby Friendly Hospitals, the National Network of Human Milk Banks, and other important partners;

Considering that the Ministry of Health coordinates the actions of WBW in Brazil since 1999;

Considering that in 1999 the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics released a campaign titled "WBW Godmother";

Considering that, since 2004, the activities coordinations of the WBW has been conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics; resolves:

Article 1º Establishing the World Breastfeeding Week in Brazil with the purpose of promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding.

Sole Paragraph. The celebration of WBW will be annual and follow the international calendar of, 1st to 7th August.

Article 2º The WBW is national coordinated by the Technical Department of Child Health and Breastfeeding, the Department of Strategic and Programmatic Actions by the Health Care Officce, from the Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics.

Article 3º This Ordinance shall enter into force upon its publication.


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