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Establish the Healthy Little Brazilians Strategy and creates the Technical-Advisory Committee for your implementation
THE MINISTER OF STATE FOR HEALTH, in exercise of his power provided for in sections I and II, sole paragraph of article 87 of Constitution, and
Considering that investments for the generation of healthy children are indispensable for the development of a nation;
Considering the children right to promotion and life protection, through effective social policies that allow a healthy regular birth and development, granted by the Brazilian Constitution and by the Statute of Children and Adolescents;
Considering the comprehensive care to the Brazilian children policy, by the Unique Health System, ensuring the universal and equal access to the actions and services to promotion, protection and health recovering;
Considering the international commitment assumed by Brazil for the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Objectivities, in special the fourth objective, whose goal is the two-thirds reduction of death in children under five years old, in the period of 1990 to 2015, and
Considering the objectivities and goals of the Pact of Life in 2008, established by the ordinance number 325/GM, of February 21th of 2008, among them the establishment of mother and child deaths;
Considering the National Pact for the Mother and Neonatal Deaths, released by the Presidency of Republic in March 8th of 2004, and approved by the Tripartite Commission of Managers- TCM, that aims to supervise the realization of the actions of protection for woman and child health;
Considering the Commitment to Reduce the Acceleration of Inequalities in the Northeast and Legal Amazon, agreed between federal and states governments;
Considering that the first childhood is known as the period were the child intensely learns to be, to do, to relate and build your values;
Considering the need for innovation in alternative and practical political offers that produce new realities that contributes for the children quality of life since the beginnings, stimulating your physical, emotional, cognitive and social competences and abilities in view of its growth and development, resolves:
Art. 1º Found the Little Brazilian Health Strategy aim to build new humanized care offers for health and strength the traditional ones made for women and children, in view of the bond, growth and development of children from zero to five years old.
Sole Paragraph. The strategy will be implemented as a pilot project comprising a city with over one hundred thousand inhabitants of each macro-region, namely: North, Rio Branco; Northeast, Recife; Midwest, Campo Grande; Southeast, Rio de Janeiro; and the South, Florianópolis.
Art. Creating the Technical Advisory Committee to advise, monitor and evaluate the implantation/implementation strategy.
1º The Technical Advisory Committee shall be composed of:
I - three agents of the Secretariat for Health Care - SHC/HM; to know:
a) Technical area of Child Health and Breast-feeding;
b) Technical Area of Women Health; and
c) National Humanization Policy;
II - one agent of Secretariat of Health Surveillance - SHS/HM;
II - an agent from the Secretariat of Labor Management and Health Education - SLMHE/HM;
IV - an agent of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs Secretariat - STSIS/HM;
V - an agent of Strategic Management and Participatory Secretariat - SMPS/HM;
VI - an agent of Executive Secretariat - ES/HM
VII - an agent of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ
VIII - an agent of Fernandes Figueira Institute - FFI/FIOCRUZ;
IX - an agent of Brazilian Human Milk Banks Network - BHMBNET/ FIOCRUZ;
X - an agent of North - Northeast Perinatal Health Network - NNPHNET;
XI - an agent of National Health Foundation - NHF;
XII - an agent of Brazilian Pediatric Society - BPS;
XIII - an agent of Brazilian Gynecologic and Obstetrics Federation - BGOF; and
XIV - an agent of Brazilian Nursing Association - BNA.
§ 2º The Technical Advisory Committee Coordination will be in charge of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ.
§ 3º The Committee is responsible, at the end of 2011, based on the results of the pilot project; submit to the National Council of Health Secretaries - CONASS, the National Council of Health Secretaries - CONASEMS and the National Health Council - CNS proposal for incorporating Strategy Policy for Integral Attention to Children's Health for implementation throughout the country.
Art. 3º The resources for the acting of the Technical-Advisory and implementation of the Strategy will be in charge of the Technical Department of Child Health and Breastfeeding DAPES / SAS shall be borne by the programmatic functional 10.243.1312.6176.0001-Implementation of Child Health Policy.
Art. 4º This Ordinance shall to become absolute on the date of publication.