Este texto n�o substitui o publicado no Diário Oficial da União
THE STATE MINISTER OF HEALTH, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections I and II, sole paragraph of art. 87 of the Constitution, and
Considering the "Millennium Summit of the United Nations", held in September 2000 in New York City, USA, with the participation of world leaders from 189 countries, where they established a set of clearly defined goals and objectives by the year 2015 to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, discrimination against women and, prominently, to promote the principles of human rights;
Considering the presentation of the "Millennium Declaration", which established a set of general goals, targets and performance indicators, called "Millennium Development Goals", translating the key recommendations agreed upon at major world conferences on development, including the conferences of the Social Cycle of UN;
Considering the "Brasília Declaration," a conference with participation of all nations of the Americas, where it was established a set of actions and a commitment for the implementation of it as written in the Goals of the Millennium Declaration;
Considering some of the Millennium Development Goals directly related to health issues, being important detach that the fulfill of these goals, requires, from the government, besides of the implementation of policies, the survey information for regular monitoring and evaluation;
Considering that the Ministry of Health has a key role in the implementation of health policies associated with the Millennium Development Goals since 2003;
Considering that the Ministry of Health has promoted and coordinated with the support of the World Health Organization, the First International Conference on Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals of the Health Sector and the 1st Brazilian Conference of Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals of the Health Sector, occurred between days 18th and 20th of November 2008;
Considering the close relationship of the Ministry of Health with the Second International Conference on the Review of the Millennium Development Goals, to be held between June 20th and September 22nd, 2010 in New York, USA, whose resolutions require governments to its implementation until 2015, decides:
Article 1o Institutes the Ministerial Group with the following responsibilities:
I - discussing, analyzing and disseminating the results Meeting of the Review of the Millennium Development Goals by the Ministry of Health;
II - to assist in the systematic analysis of health actions associated with the Millennium Development Goals;
III - develop strategies to help in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health actions associated with the Millennium Development Goals;
IV - to advise the Secretaries of the Ministry of Health on matters related to their functions;
V - Promote studies, research and events for the purpose of strengthening the commitment with the Millennium Development Goals, and
VI - coordinate activities with other Ministries, in order to propose the divulgation of intersectoral actions.
Article 2o Designate to compose the Ministerial Group representatives (holder and substitutes) of the areas and entities listed below:
I - Minister's Office - GM:
a) Holder: Adson Roberto França dos Santos;
II - Office of International Health Affairs:
a) Holder: Eduardo Botelho Barbosa:
b) Substitute: Leandro Luiz Viegas;
III - Executive Secretariat:
a) Holder: Márcia Bassit Lameiro da Costa Mazzoli:
b) Substitute: Luiz Fernando Beskow;
IV - Department of Health Care - SAS:
a) Holder: Alberto Beltrame;
b) Substitute: José Luiz Telles de Almeida;
V - Secretariat of Strategic Management and Participatory - SGEP:
a) Holder: Antônio Alves de Sousa;
b) Substitute: Maria Natividade Gomes da Silva Teixeira Santana;
VI - Secretariat of Science, Technology and Strategic Inputs - SCTIE:
a) Holder: Reinaldo Felippe Nery Guimarães;
b) Substitute: Leonor Maria Pacheco Santos;
VII - Secretariat of Health Surveillance - SVS:
a) Holder: Gerson Oliveira Penna;
b) Substitute: Otaliba Libânio de Morais Neto;
VIIII - Secretariat of Labor Management and Health Education - SGTES:
a) Holder: Francisco Eduardo de Campos;
b) Substitute: Márcia Hiromi Sakai;
IX - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation - FIOCRUZ:
a) Holder: Paulo Ernani Gadelha Vieira; and
b) Substitute: Paulo Marchiori Buss.
Article 3º The technical coordination of the Ministerial Group will be in charge of the representative of the Minister's Office.
Article 4º The Ministerial Group will define, in their first meeting, the work schedule and his schedule of activities.
Article 5º The participation in the Ministerial Group is a relevant activity of public interest and will not be paid.
Article 6º This decree enters into force on the date of its publication.