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Equipo Organizador del HTAi 2011

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• OS26 - Use of SR/ metanalysis to indicate treatment efficiency;

202 - IODINE-125 Permanent Implant for Localized Prostate Cancer
Seunghee Kim

   S.K. PDF version

406 - Percutaneous Sclerotherapy for Vascular Malformations - A Systematic Review
Guy Maddern
   G.M. PDF version

607 - Meta-Analysis: Efficacy and Safety of Cetuximab in the Treatment of Colorectal Metastatic Cancer
Croci Alejandra
   C.A. PDF version

• OS27 - Clinical Studies to Indicate Treatment Efficiency;

543 - What Would Be the Optimal Salivary Collection Device to Select Susceptible Groups for Vaccination and to Evaluate Vaccine-Induced Humoral Response Against Hepatitis a Virus (HAV)?
Renata Tourinho Santos

   R.T.S. PDF version

553 - Short Term Follow-Up of Coronary Artery Stenting Patients: Experience from South of Brazil
Carlos Augusto Cardim de Oliveira

   C.A.C.O. PDF version

733 - Adjuvant Treatment With Trastuzumab in Patients With Breast Cancer in Uruguay
Dr. Henry L. Albornoz da Silva

   H.L.S. PDF version
• OS28 - Use of SR/ Metanalysis to Indicate Prevention Efficiency;

155 - Computerised Clinical Decision Support Systems for Primary Preventive Care: A Decision- Maker-Researcher Partnership Systematic Review of Effects on Process of Care and Patient Outcomes
Nathan Mendes Souza
   N.M.S. PDF version

343 - Antioxidants for Preventing Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review
Adriana Magalhães Ribeiro
   A.M.R. PDF version

687 - Physical Activity Interventions in Childhood Obesity: A Systematic Review With Metanalysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
Claudia Ciceri Cesa
   C.C.C. PDF version

721 - High Doses Versus Low Doses of Statin Therapy
Alexandre Luque
   A.L. PDF version

827 - Sustainable Violence Prevention: Interventions Associated With a Long-Term Reduction in Violent Behaviour
Juliet Hockenhull
   J.H. PDF version

• OS29 - Economic Impact or Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment Options;

280 - Clinical and Economic Impact of Introducing the Use of Chlorhexidine-Impregnated Sponges for Central Venous Catheters Dressings in an Intensive Care Unit
Wasserfallen Jean-Blaise

   W.J.B. PDF version

524 - Pre-Operative Fluid Loading for High Risk Patients Undergoing Major Elective Surgery: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Dwayne Boyers

   D.B. PDF version

947 - Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Using Antitetanus Immunoglobulin by Intrathecal Route to the Treatment of Tetanus in Recife (PE), Brazil
Demócrito Barros Miranda Filho

   D.B.M.F. PDF version

• OS30 - Clinical Guidelines;
623 - Production and Diffusion of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGS) in Iberoamerican Countries: A Cross Sectional Study
Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea
   I.G.I. PDF version

