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Equipe Organizadora do HTAi 2011

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PANEL 72 – Challenges of HTA Translation Into national Clinical Practice Guidelines in Developing Countries: Experience of Argentina and Chile.

Victoria Wurcel

   V.W. PDF version

Graciela Demirdjian

   G.D. PDF version

Luis Vera Renavides

   L.V.R. PDF version

PANEL 109 – Using Research to Inform Health Systems Strengthening.

Jeremy Grimshaw

   J.G. PDF version

John-Arne Rottingen
   J.A.R. PDF version

Sebastian Garcia Marti
   S.G.M. PDF version

Ulysses Panisset
   U.P. PDF version
PANEL 27 - Beyond Assessments: An International Perspective on the Ethical Dimensions of HTA Systems. 

Joseph Mathew
   J.M. PDF version

PANEL 111 – HTA Capacity Building – Exploration of Different Models of National Guidelines Development and Implementation.
Paulo D. Picon    P.D.P. PDF version
Sivalal Sadavisan    S.S. PDF version

Cindy Farquhar
   C.F. PDF version

Victoria Wurcel
   V.W. PDF version

PANEL 31 - Transcontinental HTA. What Can We Learn from HTA Collaboration on Different Levels?

Maya Zuellig
  M.Z. PDF version

Wim Goettsch
   W.G. PDF version

Flavia Silva Elias Tavares
   F.S.E.T. PDF version
PANEL 96 – Driving Healthcare System Efficiency Through HTA: How Can We Boost Patient Performance?

Andrea Rappagliosi
   A.R. PDF version

Finn Kristensen
   F.K. PDF version